- B1 Thiamine … 100 mg
- B6 Pyridoxine … 50 mg
- B12 Hydroxocobalamin … 10.000 micrograms
- Box x 1 pre-filled syringe 2 ml.
- Neuritis-Neuralgias,
Lumbalgias-Dorsalgias. - Treatments for patients using Metformin,
Herpes Zoster,
Stress and Physical Exhaustion,
Cognitive Disorders
Gestational Diabetes,
Anemia of Pregnancy,
Hyperemesis Gravidarum
- The average dose is 2 to 3 syringes, applied via deep intramuscular route, WITH «Z» TECHNIQUE; spending a day according to medical indications depending on the seriousness of the case.
- Hypersensitivity to the components of the formula.
Adverse Effects
- The administration of this product may produce reactions such as skin rash, nausea, vomiting and sometimes anaphylactic shock in susceptible persons.
- Product of delicate use that should be administered under medical supervision.
- Do not administer during pregnancy or when pregnancy is suspected, or during lactation unless indicated by a physician.
- During administration of this product, the urine is colored yellow.
- Do not exceed the prescribed dose.